Good news and bad news on the
Scotch 45 front:
The good news is that the guitar work appears to be in the can. I listened to Aaron's work again (which KILLS), and added my own touches to the balance of songs, and after going over them and over them, I have to believe the guitar work is in the can! I'm sure I'll find a little something more to do on them after some time away, but perhaps not - in which case the end of the road is well in sight.
I was planning on hitting the vocals this week (and may still get to them), however, events are converging to push them out a little later than planned. Specifically, there is a road construction project going on just a couple blocks from the studio. Due to the project, traffic is being diverted right to the studio door 24/7 for the next week. The roar of jake-brakes, the rumble of busses, the thump of hip hop from over-amped kids in under-amped cars, all make for a poor atmosphere to try and get vocal tracks done - even at this hour of the day (830pm). Since the project is due to be completed in a week, I think its best just to take some time off and chill, enjoy the summer to come, and play with the dogs.
Learning new stuff on the ukelele is also fun (my grandfather's 1929 Hollywood).
Cheers - Jer